Prompt 366 - Our Final Day
My Way
"And now, the end is near;And so I face the final curtain.
- Frank Sinatra
A new challenge for 2009 following on from the 365 challenge. This is to remind us of why we need to record little details in our live. 1 week each month I will record that week with photos journalling and make one LO a month/
Here I am watching the Queen's speech and resting after cooking dinner for 10.
I wonder if it so wonderful for a lot of people this year?
We went to Woolworths today as it is closing due to the recession and global state of finances. I think is just the start of a lot of people who will be out of work in 2009. I feel very sad about all the companies closing,
Well here is our wreath on our front door, but I cannot take credit for making it, only adding the artificial Christmas roses!!
Our house certainly looks like Christmas now with this wreath and welcome lights, the tree twinkling and other decs.
Well this year I am definitely at the top of my commitement list.
Here I an returning from church and visiting family at 3pm in my new gilet which is a tag too small but I will fit into in Feb and will wear next year:) and new trousers and jumper...of course every thing is new!!
I always find Advent are magic days when as a Christian I think about the celebrating the birthday of Jesus, Our Lord.
Today we burnt the 2nd candle of Advent. Not long now until we celebrate Christmas day!
The obvious photo today was DH who I love dearly but I have chosen 2 photos of me with my grandchildren Matt and Tom. The photo was taken yesterday when they visited. It isn't often I get photos of them. Tom is our first born grandchild and became a teenager 2 weeks ago! Now he is taller then me!! Matt is 10 1/2yrs old
I like to think I am a loving person and of all emotions I would always chose LOVE - "for if I do not have love, I gain nothing" [ 1 Cor v3]. As a Christian I am called to love my neighbour as myself . It is sometimes hard for us to love ourselves but I think I owe it to my Father God who I believe created me in his image to make the best of myself and strive to improve in my Christian walk on this earth, to care and to think about others less fortunate than myself and of course to love God before anyone else.
Well my mind is thinking about my friend Margaret who has bowel cancer diagnosed the week before we went to Italy at the beginning of October. She and her husband Richard (pictured here) have been very brave and positive but it has been a long few weeks waiting for a date for her operation. She goes in tomorrow Monday and has her operation on Tuesday.
This is what is filling my mind today, prayers for them both for peace of mind and positive thoughts