Monday 15 December 2008

Day 350
Prompt 350
"I'm dreaming of a "---" Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know"
- Bing Crosby
What are you dreaming of this Christmas?

Here is a photo yesterday of our nieces children opening some presents we had brought them!

I suppose I just hope that everyone has a traditional Christmas with enough of everything but not in excess in presents or food. - 'just like we used to know". Unfortunately the young only know about having everything they want , so sad in my opinion.

I am going to quote from a fellow Shirley's 365 blog

"Oh, for the good old days when people would stop Christmas shopping when they ran out of money.~Author Unknown
I personally like to take time at Christmas to think of those everywhere in the world including our country who have nothing


Minty Magic said...

It is so difficult isn't it? Kids do expect alot but I think we bring a lot of that on ourselves. It is so easy to spoil someone you love so much.

Shirley said...

Lovely photo Lynne they all look so busy!!
I could not resist that quote when I came across it. Mind you like Claire says it is difficult not to spoil some one you love.
we just need to keep things in perpective.

knitkath said...

Some very true words here! If only we could appreciate one gift which is given in the right spirit!

Mary B said...

Lynne you are right Children do get too much nowadays and expect it, Nice photo of children having fun.