Saturday, 29 November 2008

Day 334
Prompt 334
The term crying most commonly refers to the act of shedding tears as a response to an emotional state in humans

Interesting thoughts here:
We are all animals but only human animals cry!
Babies cry a lot until they can express themselves in other ways
Some people cry more than others.
Some are brought up to think crying in public is wrong (like my DH)
Memories can make us cry
We cry when sad, when happy, when elated
Today we went to the Crematorium to take some flowers in memory of Peter's late wife who died 25yrs ago and my Father who died 33yrs ago. There were no tears just happy thoughts.
On coming home DIL arrived with this poster to put in our car. This brought tears to my eyes but I didn't cry just felt sad
I am not one to cry often but cry mostly when watching an emotional film! and sometimes during singing worship music in a church service.

Friday, 28 November 2008

Day 333
Prompt 333
Anger, angry
Anger is an emotional state that may range from minor irritation to intense rage
In my job as a SENCO I trained teachers and ran courses for children on anger management.
I learnt that anger is an OK emotion when you can control anger and never hurt anyone else!!
I personally try very hard not to get angry and most of my angers are minor irritations. yes and usually I get angry mostly with myself.
I found doing an angry face totally against my personality and didn't really like doing it either lol!! Interesting how most of us have added the colour red to our photos today!! RED for DANGER!!

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Day 332
Prompt 332
Laughter is an audible expression, or appearance of merriment or happiness, or an inward feeling of joy and pleasure
Thanks Shirley for this photo you took of Kathy and I!
Didn't we laugh a lot that weekend? BRILLIANT!! [haven't laughed so much for years]

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Day 331
Prompt 331
Sadness is an emotion characterized by feelings of disadvantage, loss, and helplessness. When sad, people often become quiet, less energetic, and withdrawn. Sadness is considered to be the opposite of happiness
This is very apt today as the news of my friend margaret's op isn't good. The operation had to remove more bowel than anticipated and she is very poorly and having no visitors. I will be pleased on Friday when her husband Richard comes for an evening meal.
I am also sad with how my DIL has been over the babysitting tomorrow and would love to resolve it.
I have had a lot of unhappiness in my life through loss of parents, a husband who walked out of our marriage for someone else, a son with an illness which will be a disability to him for life. I feel sad for the world and today for the bombings that have occured in India killing so many people.

Day 330
We are on the home stretch now, with only a few weeks left, before our year long project is completed.
This week we are going to look at our emotions.
Prompt 330

- Happiness is an emotion associated with feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy
I had to put this photo on my blog today taken by Anna Bowkis during our 365 weekend.
I am very happy with myself, how I am beginning to look and the new found confidence which has come with my weight loss.
I have known happiness throughout my life in relationships, two marriages, the births of my children and dear grandchildren, with various achievements with them and myself and on various holidays with my dear DH.
I also remember the joy in first knowing Jesus Christ and becoming a born again Christian
My presents beautifully wrapped and labelled

Day 329
Prompt 329

"If you woke up this morning, it's time to celebrate!"
-Joe Takash
What are you going to celebrate today?
Little did I know when I woke this morning that Advent Santa's 25 presents would arrive from the North pole!!
I am so excited and like a young child. DH thinks I am raving bonkers!!!

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Day 328
Prompt 328
"A mind is a fire to be kindled, not a vessel to be filled.”
- Plutarch (46-137), historian, biographer, essayist
Whats filling your mind today?

Well my mind is thinking about my friend Margaret who has bowel cancer diagnosed the week before we went to Italy at the beginning of October. She and her husband Richard (pictured here) have been very brave and positive but it has been a long few weeks waiting for a date for her operation. She goes in tomorrow Monday and has her operation on Tuesday.

This is what is filling my mind today, prayers for them both for peace of mind and positive thoughts