Thursday, 20 November 2008

Prompt 324
"Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.”
-Henry Clay (1777-1852), politician and orator
Well this little boy is the most courteous child I have known for a long time. His "please" and "thank you's" and "excuse me" are always there, spontaneous and used at the right time.
Refeshing in this day and age where standing up and giving up your seat for elderly and opening doors for others seems to have siappeared in society.


Steph said...

Such a cutie!

I agree about manners - I hope I manage to teach my boys to be the same

Curly said...

Oh how I agree Lynne, I try so hard with our children but it so often falls on deaf ears.

Mary B said...

what a lovely smile and you are right a polite child is a joy.