Monday, 29 September 2008

Day 273
Prompt 273
"When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.”
African Proverb
What makes you strong?
Well this is a tough prompt!
I actually hate spiders, they frighten me:( I do not like the way they entice and capture flies into their webs and at times I know that feeling when people entice me into a situation I do not want to be in AND cannot get out of!
Lions are not an animal that I admire, far too fierce for me! People who roar intimidate me, we must have all met those types at work!
I feel strong when I am confident in my environment, confident with those around me and feel I am making a difference to people.
I feel weak when I cannot help or make a difference and feel vulnerable!

1 comment:

Mary B said...

{{{{{huggles}}}}} I do sympathizes with you in this although I feel differently.